"Ladies and gentlemen, let's put rise to our feet and put our hands together to welcome our guest-of-honor, the Year 2007!"
So the story goes. In comes 2007 and out goes 2006. Without any applause of course. Few people would want to remember 2006. Not like anything exciting happened. Probably a hell lot of unhappy stuff. People always tell you things like "It's gonna be better next year" or "Leave the past behind and look forward to the good things that are going to happen soon."
Well, they are true in a sense. They probably work as short-term encouragements. But right now is indeed a good time to start. Start what, you might ask. Anything, is my reply. What's most important is that you have a goal. Even if it is building a dollhouse out of ice-cream sticks or beating the top guy in class. Even if it is becoming the next president of Singapore. Have a goal.
New Year's Day is like any other day of the year. The sun still comes out from the east and sets in the west. Life goes on like any other weekend, with probably a few more people in bed from the partying the night before. But it has psychological significance. People feel as if life restarts again. Grudges are mended, faults forgiven and bad moods restored. Relationships are freshened up, creativity is restored and love finds a place into people's hearts again.
Wonderful isn't it? Everyone loves a new start. Make the fullest use of it. Think of something you can contribute to the world. Getting good exam results is of little contribution to the world. Something nobler. Like sacrifice your weekends to make the old folks in your neighborhood feel like they can still contribute something to society. Or spend some time with kids who'll never experience what a parent's love is like. Change a life. Don't worry about your grades so much. God is The One who decides your grades. Studying harder doesn't have any effect on your results actually. It just makes you feel better.
So... What is your New Year resolution now? =)
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