Uni life is cool. I'm taking alot of interesting modules this semester, and since I'm roughly about halfway through, I think I should be alright to comment on them. They are my humble opinions and any fierce opposition should look for me immediately, but risk invoking a nonchalent response from yours truly.
Japanese Language 1201: Very, very interesting. Really. I kinda like Japanese thanks to the influence of my dad, but I gotta admit one thing. It's one helluva load of work. Be prepared to go to class and blank out when the teacher asks you a question which when translated to English would be a horrifyingly simple question a 3 year old could answer perfectly.
Japanese Studies: A subject that tends to oscillate in terms of level of interestingness. The funny thing is that the longer you study Japanese people, the weirder you think they are. I suppose that is the same for all kinds of Studies. But which culture do you have people taking a short dagger and plunging it into their bellies in an attempt to commit suicide the most painful way? I rather jump off the one of the million of shrines they have.
Political Science: I love their discussions. (Can't say the same about the lectures though.) You'll be amazed to see how passionate Singaporean students are about politial topics. The laughable thing is that it's all talk and no action. Nobody really gives a second look at something like the Social Democrats Society. Probably would get squashed like a bug by the government should they decide to hold a peaceful protest. Erm... Opps?
Sociology: Probaby what I'll major in. Extremely cool subject. Get you thinking out of the box, and I absolutely love it because almost anything goes as long as you can substantiate it with historical proofs or established theories. And I always loved studying people. Gotta admit that it started out due to an inferior complex, but passion has gotta start growing from somewhere eh?
Theatre Studies: A suject that I always thought was interesting. Half-true only though. The practical part is really fun and I gotta say I'm a pretty good actor. The theory part however, is blardy boring. I hate having to memorize terms and definitions. They are plenty of things I bet even Steven Spielberg or Mel Gibson don't know, e.g. mise-en-sen. Who cares man? Yeah yeah, that's the movies, but come on, how many of us here really want to do theatre if given a choice between the two of them?
I bet many of you wish to defer from my comments. Oh well, just drop me a message, but not too much hate please... I'll probably ignore you if you're "politically more right". Haha! Thanks! =)