Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Beautiful Feet

Today, someone told me how her ex-boyfriend used to criticize her toes for being ugly and deformed. Well, I had a good look and it appeared to be pretty normal. Nothing else was mentioned after that. It just ended as a funny little joke.

But before I started to blog, and was wondering what on earth could be interesting, this situation sprang back to mind. Three verses in the Bible talk about beautiful feet. They are:

Song of Solomon 7:1
How beautiful your sandaled feet, O prince's daughter! Your graceful legs are like jewels, the work of a craftsman's hands.

Isaiah 52:7
How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of those who bring good news, who proclaim peace, who bring good tidings, who proclaim salvation, who say to Zion, "Your God reigns!"

Romans 10:15
And how can they preach unless they are sent? As it is written, "How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!"

Interesting! Now those are good ways to get beautiful feet. The first one talks about the beloved of the king, the second and third talks about good news. Some people go to doctors and manicurists to get something done about their feet. However, in my opinion, the much cheaper way to get beautiful feet is to tell the good news! And the good news can only be that of the salvation promised to all who believes as stated in the Bible.

Beautiful feet is interesting! I believe that missionaries who travel far and wide to spread the gospel don't exactly have the most beautiful of feet. Their feet are probably laden with dead skin, dead bugs, rough sand and sticky mud. Their feet probably have the scars of whips, holes caused by piercing, or contain broken bones. How could such feet be beautiful in the eyes of the world? Some might not even be considered "feet" in the human sense of the word. But in the eyes of God, these feet sure are beautiful.

I want my feet to be beautiful in the eyes of God. After all, it is only His opinion that matters. And I only have to share the good news! And to top that off, only beautiful feet get to wear beautiful shoes, those of the gospel of peace, as mentioned in Ephesians 6:15. And isn't it peace that the world needs today? Good news that brings peace to the individual. Come, be a bearer of so wonderful a promise, and have your feet made beautiful by Him today.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

The Old Has Gone, The New Has Come

Suddenly, so suddenly, some of the things, vices all, that I used to enjoy in the past, I don't now. It's funny. I realize first-hand now, that when you trust God to give you the best, the little evil things that you use to rely on for self-identification and gratification in the past just simply fade into the background. It's so beautiful, so marvelous. And they're not coming back. I just know it.

Last night, Ilango told me that he is kind of pessimistic that any evangelical program that the church or the youth group undertakes is not going to work. The target audience for these how-to seminars don't have the sense of urgency or a heart for the lost. Well, it's is nice to see that Ilango has really matured during this period while seeking God for direction for further studies. I just pray that the other youths will also learn to put God first in their lives, and oh, the potential of transformation! The dreams that can come true! However, this sense of urgency and heart for the lost is not something that the leaders can teach or transmit. As leaders, we must pray for these to grow and swell in their hearts, and this, only God can do. We will not give up on the people, we will continue to provide avenues for them to evangelize and give the world their testimony. We will leave the rest to our Almighty God to handle. His will be done.

I've been inspired by Michelle's lesson on fasting, and thus I've also started a time of fasting and prayer for two things: healing and guidance. Healing not for myself, but for someone close to me. Guidance for the both of us and the relationship that is to come or not. And I'm beginning to feel the effects of fasting. So much temptation and fear, so much distractions and worries. And she is not taking it well too. The illness is striking back like never before, and she is suffering I know. But we will stand strong and claim the Bible's promise that He will not put us under more temptation and stress than we can bear, and if ever this happens, He will provide a way out. The fasting is only ten days, and today is day two. But I'm beginning to waver, and the strength I need to pray, I must rely on Him to provide. I'm hoping that He will also make the illness more sufferable for her, but eventually He will take it away in His mercy and grace. As for the answer and permission for a relationship, we haven't actually heard anything, but we're beginning to see so many commonalities and "perfect fittings". To me, it is wonderful, unheard of, and really unbelievable. I actually thought that girls like these don't exist in this world. And now God just puts one right in front of me. I'm like woah. But no hurry, we want to hear God's voice in this, and we believe that He will make His answer clear and recognizable. In the meantime, we will continue to pray together and cultivate a lifestyle of total dependence and wholeheartedness in loving Him.

Heavely Father, give us strength. Pray for me during this fasting period, and for her too. When it is all over, I'm sure she will be more than willing to share about the miraculous healing that will take place. =) Amen.

Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Blogskin Change

Whee finally found time to change my blogskin. About time too, was getting a bit bored of the old and mushy one, thought it would be good to find something more explosive and loud. Haha... I've been wildly happy the last few weeks. It's been a long time since I've felt exhilaration, on cloud nine... It's an old feeling, foreign, but welcomed. However prayer is still a must-have, and if God is not present, there will be no advancement.

Into a new battle, Lord. You lead, I'll follow. And the prize is waiting. I know she is. =)