Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Random Posts
Saturday, October 27, 2007
I dunno if letting you go was the right idea, but well, so the songs say: if you love her let her go. But I don't wan to make this a decision I'll regret.
There are no tears yet. At least not from me. But I guess I must have made you weep buckets. Weep everyday for months till you had finally had the courage to tell me that you wanted to try living without me. And boy did it take long for you to come to that decision. I'm sorry if I didn't make a good partner. I guess I'm not cut out to be one, as you should know perfectly by now. Maybe I should just stick to being single, lest I break more hearts. As for you, I think it shouldn't be too difficult for someone as wonderful as you to find a better guy than me. Someone who'll really love you, take care of you, pamper you, spend on you the way you want and deserve to be treated. I'm sorry I just can't afford the time and money to treat you right. I'm sorry that despite having the gift of the gab and poetry combined, I can't say the simplest words to assure you of the love we share.
It's during times like this that I wish I could turn back the hands of the clock. It took me so long to understand what you meant when you wanted to start everything all over again. However, it's going to be difficult, if not impossible. We've both gone through so much that it's just not possible to restart without recalling both the most intimate moments with one another and the ocean-wide differences between us.
Should we restart, things will have to change dramatically. I think God has to take a much more important place in our lives, not just the before-meals prayer and the occasional chat about church activities. Yeah, and I'll have to do the rest of the changing to myself. You'll need a load of patience, for I'm terribly slow to change.
As of now, the gulf between us is widening daily as this cold war is ensuring. To you, it's a temporary separation, to me you're just on a month-long holiday. But when the end date finally arrives, will you still want me back? A throng of guys will run after you the moment they find that you're single again. They'll do anything to see a glimpse of that beautiful smile of yours. And they'll also probably kill me if they find out that you've flashed that smile at me so often just so I'll say those few words that meant so much to you.
Do as you will, if it makes you happy. I guess you must have felt so constrained with me. Enjoy your freedom like you've never before. But knowing you, you'll always need somebody to love, and to feel loved by somebody. And before you know it, you'll be attached again. But, who will it be?
I shall not reply to any comments about this post.
Monday, October 15, 2007
Facebook Addiction!
It's amazing what the Internet can do. By bridging people all over the world together, we've become closer to people we don't know living on the other side of the globe, and neglect those closest to us. What happened to camaraderie? Family love? Brotherly cooperation and sisterly chatter? They hardly exist anymore. Where is God in our lives? Or has our social status taken over in the light of the growing individualization in this globalizing world? A simple smile that means so much now cost so much.
I feel that people nowadays need more make-up, more fashion, more body enhancers because of one big problem. We have forgotten how to smile. We have forgotten that the little curve on our lips can make us 150% better looking, that the optimism that comes with it brings to us so much health benefits, that social relations and potential friendships could all be created and improved with that little movement that requires less muscles than a straight face.
Think about it. And smile a little more. Oh, and join Facebook if you have the time. =P
Tuesday, October 02, 2007
However, this post is about my take-away from the movie. Of all the characters, I find that I'm inclined to picture myself, of all the vibrant characters involved, like the food critic Anton Ego. Below is his exact words as follows:
“In many ways, the work of a critic is easy. We risk very little yet enjoy a position over those who offer up their work and their selves to our judgment. We thrive on negative criticism, which is fun to write and to read.
“But the bitter truth we critics must face is that, in the grand scheme of things, the average piece of junk is probably more meaningful than our criticism designating it so. But there are times when a critic truly risks something, and that is in the discovery and defense of the new.”
Now isn't that a beautiful speech? The moment I heard it, I was stunned. So stunned that I decided I just had to blog about it, despite this blog being quite domain for quite a while as a result of my laziness. That's how much it affected me. As a sociology major, this is quite a blow to the self-righteous ego of any student or professional in the field. Sociology is a study of society, and in most things we do, we comment and criticize the written perspectives of people. However, little is done, almost nothing is accomplished. The grand aim of the subject, in my opinion, as well as in many other famous sociologists, historians and philosophers in the past, is to find a way to change the world for the better.
I got to admit that I took Sociology for the mere interest of doing something really interesting and relevant to my own life. However, the more I study it, the more I find that there is so much potential for positive change! Like Durkheim and Hegel who were positivists in mindset, society can be worked out for the better when the numerous causes for misery and poverty are rooted out. Despite the multiple obstacles to overcome, sometimes it is worth a try. It is better than sitting back and commenting, criticizing and lamenting without having a solution in mind. With that said, I would like to proceed to how this can be done. And you know something? I have no idea where to start.
But that is not going to stop me from searching for a way to do so. Sociology is a study of society, and therefore intrinsically linked with the betterment of it. And I do have a few ideas cooking up in that horrendously inclined-to-daydream imagination of mine. Too bad Max Weber beat me to handing in a thesis at a younger age. Darn, now I can't be considered a prodigy. LoL!Sunday, September 02, 2007

Woohoo! This photo has Michelle and I in it. We were emcees for the Arts Bash Pageant 2007 that took place at DXO on 18th August. Loads of beautiful people I must admit, but with the both of us looking so good, I think many people really believed it when we claimed to be past pageant winners too! Haha! Anyway for those of you interested, we got this photo courtesy of funkygrad. The URL is http://www.funkygrad.com/campus/displayarticle.php?artID=1016&subcat=rave
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Huh.. Didn't Know I Was That Bad
Greed: | Medium | |
Gluttony: | Medium | |
Wrath: | Low | |
Sloth: | Medium | |
Envy: | Medium | |
Lust: | Medium | |
Pride: | High |
Take the Seven Deadly Sins Quiz
Friday, July 13, 2007
Sunday, July 01, 2007
Arts Camp!
It was stressful and tiring, but I really did learnt some important lessons. Firstly, I learnt the importance of teamwork, and never to underestimate the abilities and potential of people who are willing to commit their hearts to a project in order to see it through. It is a really beautiful sight to see relationships being strengthened through the different trials as an organizer for a 400-man camp. Secondly, I learnt that though God has given me the ability to entertain people and get them to enjoy themselves, I also learnt that He has every right to take it away. There were moments in the camp where I was bursting with confidence, and other times when I really felt demoralized with my lack of skill, but as long as I trusted in the Lord, I was able to do all that was expected of me. Lastly, I learnt through the few days of sickness before the camp that all glory was to be given to the Lord, even in secular events like Arts Camp. My role as an ambassador for Him was to take first place, for everyone was watching my behavior and the things I said. Some actions were not to be undertaken, for it would shame the Lord even if it benefited my reputation and made me more prominent. I thank Him for reminding me of this valuable lesson!
A few more events await me, namely Sociology Camp from 17-20 July where I'm the deputy organizer, Campus Crusade Camp from 11-13 July where I'm a team leader, Rag and Flag where I have promised to help out in whatever ways I can, as well as a short trip in end July to Tioman with my Shalala OG. Gonna be a busy month for me! =)
Friday, June 22, 2007
Feeling Sick
The dengue fever epidemic is going around Singapore too, and everyone is worried at the very idea of being struck down with fever. Thank God mine is nothing too serious.
Arts Camp is around the corner, and as part of the Organizing Committee it's hard not to get overly excited and worried about it. I pray God bless everyone and keep them safe through this program. Oh, and I'm also in the Spartan House, in the Shamari group. Been watching alot of 300 clips on Youtube, and getting totally inspired. Leonidas is so cool la... Haha... Must get that 8 pack... Ah woo ah woo ah woo!
Wednesday, May 09, 2007
Watching Anime
Moreover, my dad wants to watch anime now. I'm still thinking of which one would suit him best, though at the moment Prince of Tennis is probably the best choice. He used to be a tennis fanatic last time. Bleach is not a bad choice too, better than One Piece which is kinda childish a little. Haha... But I cannot download properly la... All will missing halfway one. Super turn off.... Bleah.
No DotA, no Winning Eleven, no other games. I'm really really bored. Argh. Anyone can get me a flexible part time job?
Friday, April 27, 2007
Yay I Chose Correctly!
You scored as Psychology/Sociology. You should strongly consider majoring (or minoring) in Psychology, Sociology, or related majors (e.g., Counseling, Industrial-Organizational (I-O) Psychology, Social Work, or other social science majors). It is possible that the best major for you is your 2nd, 3rd, or even 5th listed category, so be sure to consider ALL majors in your OTHER high scoring categories (below). You may score high in a category you didnt think you would--it is possible that a great major for you is something you once dismissed as not for you. The right major for you will be something 1) you love and enjoy and 2) are really great at it. Consider adding a minor or double majoring to make yourself standout and to combine your interests. Psychology and Sociology are both great minors to add to any major. Please post your results in your myspace/blog/journal.
WHAT MAJOR IS RIGHT FOR YOU? created with QuizFarm.com |
Thursday, April 26, 2007
Being Twenty-two
Seriously, I not one to celebrate my birthday. I dun really like having to stand with a cake (that I'll probably feel guilty eating) in front of me while people sing songs and take photos. I also don't really like presents, but I'll really like to thank all you people who remembered and took out time and money to get them for me! I'm going to tribute this blog to all the nice gifts my friends and family got me.
1. 4GB Thumbdrive
Courtesy of my dad. I never even knew something like that could exist. Wow. I can even play WC3 on another computer without even installing the game on it. It's like bringing a mini hard disk everywhere I go. Uber cool... Dota anyone? Wait, my exam over first.
2. Giant Zinc Haversack
From Andrew and Nicholas. I honestly didn't know I looked so ugly with that green sling bag or my Toshiba laptop bag. But it's really cool. I needed a new "big bag" anyway, just in case I decide to go overseas. Sometimes you dun know you need something until people give it to you. Sometimes.
3. "Tomato Juice" Lava Lamp
Another one of the joint presents from my darling brothers. Thanks to the Sims, we've all agreed that lava lamps are uber sexy items and must-haves when we move out. Red is a nice color, but somehow it looks really weird next to the slow cooker. Also makes the area of the house light up like a Buddhist altar at night when the lights are off. *Remembers Po Po's old house* Shudders.
4. Twistball
Last present from my brothers. I still haven't used it yet because I dunno how to, think it's kinda wasted on me, and I want to get my laptop bag first. Haha... Thus, no evaluation to give at the moment.
5. Christian Shirt
Present from Matthew Yong. I think he thinks I'm fat, because he got me an L-sized shirt. And he also got Simon and Jason L-sized shirts. Haha... Actually, we all fit in M sized shirts. Thanks for the present anyway!
Well, that's all about it. If you gave me something and I didn't list it here, please please please let me know. Oh, and you might be wondering why Gina didn't get me anything. That's cause I told her not to. Haha... And I'm a guy if my blog design gave you the wrong idea. I dun say "dun get me present ah" and secretly hope that you do. Haha... Now that difference between guys and girls is funny.
I don't actually feel different or older. Maybe that's because all these years of studying in JC and army has been really lethargic years. And studying in university is so much more fun. Studying Sociology, learning Japanese, having pretty girls all around me... (Probably the latter has the greatest effect) But it's cool. Now I either go around analyzing people's behavior, talk to myself in Japanese, or... I prefer not to mention the last one. LoLz...
今勉強しますから、ブロ一ギングの書く時間がありません。これから、お休みなさい。(Because I'm studying at the moment, there isn't much time for me to blog anymore. From now onwards, goodnight!)
*I should probably use Japanese more often. If you happen to be reading this, and you are a pretty, hot babe, I will become your sensei for free. Muahaha...
Saturday, April 21, 2007
Friday, March 09, 2007
A Deserving Salute
The closer you try to get to God, the more problems you will face. Really. But keep that smile up. Don't let the devil know that you are depressed. Why? Because you aren't. The Bible says, "The joy of Lord is my strength." And for those of you, let me tell you something. The Lord is smiling down on you.
Sounds kinda sadistic right? Your family is giving you big problems. Your dad is acting funny. Your mum doesn't seem to care. Your siblings depend on you for moral support, or have probably given up too. Your friends are acting weird. They seem to be so superficial, so unreal. Your teachers also seem blind to your troubles. Your grades are falling faster than an elephant dropped from a plane. Church sermons don't seem to speak to your heart. Youth services would be seemingly perfect if not for the obvious gloomy cloud hanging over your head even when you try to smile. And worst of all, you trust that God hears your prayers, but for some reason of another, He doesn't seem to be listening.
The prophets that Elijah killed seem to have resurrected. And this time you go first. You pray, but nothing happens. You shout, but nothing happens too. You scream, and they laugh at you. Your tears are falling fast, but there's still no fire from Heaven. You even cut yourself, and your blood spills to the ground. Still nothing. It's their turn. And their arrogant faces look at you haughtily, before they snap their fingers. Suddenly, you seem to see a distant spark like a fireball far away descending down on the sacrifice. You're doomed.
You know you've been praying regularly, worshiping with all your heart, and have placed all your trust in God. You've tried to discipline yourself to do QT and more, and there was even once you felt like you've gotten closer to God. Closer, and closer. You decide to make a commitment to Jesus despite all the opposition around you. And you knew it was the right choice.
Well, the devil is not happy you know. He doesn't like to see people coming to God. Especially those dedicated to him by their parents. And he's striking back. Don't be afraid. Smile always. Let him know that there's nothing he can do to separate you from Jesus.
I see you. For some of you, I even know you. I feel your pain, but I honestly cannot say I understand it completely. But I do know what it is like to feel left out by God. I know what is it like to say, "God, where are you when I need you most?" For those of you feeling this way, there's a poem called "Footprints in the Sand". It was just a cute, lovely poem to me when I was younger, but the moment I decided to dedicate my life to Christ, this poem was my life.
For those of you out there suffering for the sake of Christ, I salute you. For those of you who have been suffering from day one, hang on there. Keep on praying. An entire encampment of angels is watching over you. No evil spirit can harm a prince/princess of the Kingdom of Heaven. They will try, but they will eventually fail. I can't wait to see the amount of decorations and medals you will have on the Last Day.
Lastly, I'm proud of you. And I'm sure God is too. A lifetime on earth is a mere second compared to His everlasting promise. You can do it. I know you can. After all, it is God whose hands are holding you. And when it's all over, let them know that you did it so that they will see the path to salvation.
Tuesday, January 30, 2007
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
Gridiron Gang or Whitewashed Wussies?
If you haven't watched it, I highly recommend that you do. But for the benefit of those who cannot afford to do so whatever the reasons, let me summarize the movie a little. "Gridiron Gang" is about a counsellor and disciplinarian in a juvenile home who, with the help and advice of his mother, begins to start a football team in order to built unity and esteem among the boys who are sent there. He encounters many problems and obstacles, but his determination finally gives the team an opportunity to play with the other high school teams. They go through a number of losing games and the team is just about to give up hope on one another before they finally work it out among themselves and soon they get on a winning streak with a few other significant events to bond them even closer.
Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson is already a famous figure due to his wrestling career and his acting skills are an additional reason to why he is also popular as an actor. He is extremely inspirational in this movie and really garners the respect of the delinquents sent there. Despite losing and facing really tough obstacles, he maneuveurs the team to success, and their victory brings tears to the eyes of viewers. Even Gina was cheering the team on every match throughout the movie!
Sometimes such movies bring memories and dreams back to me. I've always wanted to be someone inspiring, someone who can encourage and bring out the best in people. I've considered being a counsellor, pastor, teacher and psychologist, but somehow my studies don't seem driven towards those careers. But it is so heart-warming to give people hope and let them know that there is a meaning to life, to let them feel that they can contribute something and that someone out there loves them and depends on them. I don't want to be someone who sits in the office and deal with monetary issues all day, nor do I want to be building tall skyscrapers. I don't want to sit in a lab and do research all day, nor do I want to meet people and sell them products I don't believe in.
I want to make a change in people's life. An impact they will never forget. THAT is life. THAT is love.
P.S. Go watch Gridiron Gang. You won't regret it. And you don't have to understand American Football to know what the hell's going on.
Monday, January 08, 2007
Faith Works Wonders, Trust Me
Didn't do too well last semester. Well, not THAT bad... I should be happy given the amount of study I put in. But it's kinda tough when you see so many people close to you getting a cap of 4.9 or 4.5 out of 5. Absolutely disgusting. Haha... But yes, I should count my blessings indeed. And no, I won't post my cap on my blog. If you want to know, come ask me. And I only do exchanges. Haha...
Will be taking a good number of weird modules this semester. Something on Einstein's Theory of Quantum Weirdness, Japanese Social Institutions, Social Research and Theory, Singapore Society and Japanese Language 2. Yes, they sound really boring. I hope I don't get turned off and fall asleep too soon. At least not till midterm.... Please please please...
Anyway, I think I've gotten fat during the holidays. I've asked people and they don't think so. But I think we know ourselves better larZ... When the fat starts hitting in... People don't see doesn't mean it don't exist. (Metrosexual rating for this paragraph is 9.9/10. Normal Victor is 3.5/10)
Anyway, was talking to the church guys during the sharing in the youth service. I meant every word when I said that God really can do miracles. That faith in His power brings out the very best in us. Why not? Given that it was Him who created you, surely He knows you better than you know yourself! However, the pride of Man has been his downfall. Man refuses to rely on what he cannot see (eg. God), and to put his trust in the things that he can (eg. himself). But we have heard testimonies from Christians all over the world testifying to the power of God to turn situations 180 degress around! Why then aren't we believing? The Bible says that those who see God and believe are blessed, but those who do not see God and believe are even more blessed! Come on! Don't ever let the devil blind you to such truths! He wants to plant seeds of doubt into your mind! Push him out and let God reign in your heart. Trust me, and let God work in your life. It's life-changing. I cannot emphasize it more. It truly is life-changing.
Anyway thanks for the compliment on the worship last Sunday David. I'm sure the band will improve even more in the long term, but as long as everyone felt God's presence during the worship I am 100% satisfied. Personally I enjoyed it so much I didn't really care about whether the music was good or not. What comes first is that God was honored and glorified, and that the youths slowly pick up the fact that during worship, God is watching you and His view of you is more important than that of your friends around you. That worship means you behave the way you do because you love God and not as others expect you to be. I believe that praise and worship can be so fun that we can do it forever when we are in heaven. I've felt that "high" during worship services before, and I think some of you have felt it too.
I sure can't wait to go to Heaven... =) But I'll stay here as long as you want me too Lord.
Tuesday, January 02, 2007
Ushering in the New Year
So the story goes. In comes 2007 and out goes 2006. Without any applause of course. Few people would want to remember 2006. Not like anything exciting happened. Probably a hell lot of unhappy stuff. People always tell you things like "It's gonna be better next year" or "Leave the past behind and look forward to the good things that are going to happen soon."
Well, they are true in a sense. They probably work as short-term encouragements. But right now is indeed a good time to start. Start what, you might ask. Anything, is my reply. What's most important is that you have a goal. Even if it is building a dollhouse out of ice-cream sticks or beating the top guy in class. Even if it is becoming the next president of Singapore. Have a goal.
New Year's Day is like any other day of the year. The sun still comes out from the east and sets in the west. Life goes on like any other weekend, with probably a few more people in bed from the partying the night before. But it has psychological significance. People feel as if life restarts again. Grudges are mended, faults forgiven and bad moods restored. Relationships are freshened up, creativity is restored and love finds a place into people's hearts again.
Wonderful isn't it? Everyone loves a new start. Make the fullest use of it. Think of something you can contribute to the world. Getting good exam results is of little contribution to the world. Something nobler. Like sacrifice your weekends to make the old folks in your neighborhood feel like they can still contribute something to society. Or spend some time with kids who'll never experience what a parent's love is like. Change a life. Don't worry about your grades so much. God is The One who decides your grades. Studying harder doesn't have any effect on your results actually. It just makes you feel better.
So... What is your New Year resolution now? =)