Just back from a 4-day-3-night outfield with a fantastic tan on my face. How not to, given that I was out there in the middle of the sea on a boat without shade, a ferry barge, to be more accurate. It's simply a form of military transport used to bring 5-tonners and cranes over water bodies. Pretty cool.
Anyway, enough about the military. I'm stuck with it for most of the week and I don't think anyone is interested in it. Experience tells me that. If you are, drop me a line and MAYBE I'll answer your queries. 'Coz even I have no interest in it. Haha.
I'm getting fatter already. Or so I think, though the weighing machine tells me I'm fine. But people say that, "You are what you think." So I better not think that I'm fat anymore. Wait till I suddenly turn into a fat blubber of oily lard. Quite possible you know. Nicholas is already halfway there.
The world is lacking of optimism in people's life. Everyone is so depressed because of something happening in school, at work, or at home. And most of the time these people don't even have any realistic basis to support what they're feeling! Their boss gives them a new assignment, and their next complaint is that he or she is overloading them with too much work, and the stress is getting on their nerves. They forget that they're doing exactly the same amount of work as twenty other people in the office cubicles next to them. I'm not surprised if they're doing less even.
Depression is everywhere. It's a plague, a terrorist that has struck so successfully in the lives of so many people in the world. It's contagious, a disease so terrible and complex more than three quarters of the world's population goes to bed every night suffering from its symptoms: Frequent nightmares, insomnia, sweating and shivering uncontrollably, fear of ghosts and spirits, weeping, feeling absolutely lonely and unloved, headaches etc. Quite terrible actually. And that's also just the surface of the side effects that depression can cause. Eventually, madness and suicidal thoughts can follow.
Heh.. Talk like I know alot huh? Especially coming from someone who takes less than 5 mins to concuss after lying on the bed. I know 'coz my family members are facing problems with depression. Here's a summary and breakdown of the situations they are in.
Dad is fine, on the outside. But he's pretty worried and stress about keeping the family fed. Can't really blame him though, he's suffered the trauma of retrenchment in a company that he thought would keep him till retirement. Much of what he does now are small projects to keep the family pockets with a steady flow of cash. Overall, he's pretty okay. Depress-o-meter rates him at below average level of depression at 4/10.
Mum is doing quite badly though. Her work is pretty fine, and actually I think she finds her self-worth there. My brothers usually make her feel quite worthless at home. Can't blame her for feeling like a maid at times. She adds stress to herself by worrying for Nicholas' grades in school, and the apparent rebellion he's showing to her "invading" his privacy and his right to make decisions. Even after 2 boys before him, she stills cannot get accustomed to the fact that he's a teenager now and wants to lead his own life. It's alot worse than how I put it, and it might be hard to believe so because she seems pretty happy bustling along with her own things, especially in church. But as her son, I see things that people never see... Depress-o-meter rates her at a pretty high level of depression at 8/10.
Andrew is a typical self-stressed person. It seems like he's trying to make up for the earlier part of his life when he was a totally heck-care person. Now he's overdoing it he can actually go into a state of depression without external stimuli. Now that's crazy. An example is his obvious extreme metrosexuality. His vanity knows no bounds and his beauty knowledge so vast he can actually be a qualified dermatologist. He spends most of his time seeking to beautify himself or lamenting that he can never be considered good-looking. Well, to me he's absolutely fine. Now that he's just pulled out four pre-molars and put on braces, my family and I can expect alot of brimstone and hellfire from him for these few weeks, months maybe. Depress-o-meter rates him at a dangerous level of depression at 9/10.
Nicholas seems to be living the heck-care lifestyle that Andrew led when he was in secondary school. He is rarely seen doing any homework and is always arguing with my mom about the most trivial of matters. It saddens me to see MY own brother treating life with such disdain, and with so little love and concern for the people around him. His depression hits strongly only when he doesn't get his way, like a spoilt child. His strength is pretty unmatched in the family, and so he resorts to violence once in a while just to "show who's boss". Good thing he doesn't dare to mess around when I'm home. Depress-o-meter rates him at an insignificant 1/10 when he's in a good mood, but an average of 5/10 when someone pisses him off.
Hmm.. I talk alot right? But it'll be good if someone could grade me though. I wonder what my depression level looks like to people around me.
Going for a run now, maybe to the new church venue and back. If I'm lucky I might meet Andrew on the way there. Outta here!
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