After seeing Barcelona come back from 10-men down for a stunning victory, I realize what job I want in the future. There, see their manager Pep Guardiola? Cool huh? I want a job where I can wear a tuxedo and go around hopping like a madman, celebrating with the team and jumping into the "dao pok" with them. (Sadly I don't have the picture of him running towards his team with his hands in the air and his coat flying about, it looked so comical! But it was inspiring too.)

Why, you might ask? Firstly, because I look best in a tuxedo, and secondly, because I want a job where I can put my entire passion and heart in. Nothing less, or Victor will die. And don't worry, I don't mind getting my coat dirty. But if I can't dance, jump, sing, celebrate on the job, I don't see what's the point of doing it. And no, I don't want to be a soccer manager. I love the game, but not to the point of suffering heart attacks for it.
What is passion? It is surely the becoming of a person. Are we not, for most of our lives, marking time? Most of our being is at rest, unlived. In passion, the body and the spirit seek expression outside of self. Passion is all that is other from self. Sex is only interesting when it releases passion. The more extreme and the more expressed that passion is, the more unbearable does life seem without it. It reminds us that if passion dies or is denied, we are partly dead and that soon, come what may, we will be wholly so. -John Boorman
So I saw that there is nothing better for a man than to enjoy his work, for that is his lot. For who can bring him to see what will happen after him? -Solomon (Ecc 3:22)
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