Monday, September 28, 2009

The Gazing Game

Sometimes, I enjoy the occasional (but unintentional, really!) gazing into a girl's eyes. No, these ladies are usually on another table or somewhere else slightly further away, and we'll just happen to catch one another staring into the other party's eyes.

I'm sure you must get some of that too.

Some girls, especially the more shy ones, will tend to look somewhere else, before secretly looking back at the corner of her eye, only to find that I'm still looking back. Then she'll pretend that I didn't see her secret glance by continuing to focus on that somewhere else.

My habit is to, by her 2nd glance back at me, avert my gaze to the other members on the table and smile, as if to myself, when it's intentionally done for her. The usual effect is that she'll get really smiley, as if she can't stop herself from smiling, and those with the fairer skin make it even obvious by blushing. Things get a little messy for her if her friends notice the smile and the blush, and turn back to see who it was, with the teasing and gossip mongering ensuring.

Some girls, however, are a lot more bold, and will tend to gaze for a long time, as if spellbound or something. Anything more than 3 seconds, and my mind automatically goes into another change of strategy. I'll avert my gaze, pretend to look embarrass, turn back to "glance" a few more times. If she's still looking back frequently, I'll intentionally spill a bit of my drink, or "wake up" from the "spell" and back to the original conversation, or force a blush (which is easier if she's really pretty). This usually prompts a reaction in her to touch her face, cross her legs, run her fingers through her hair, or play with a few strands etc.

No, I don't wink at them, give some hand gesture, start tossing my hair confidently, or go up to collect their numbers. That's the Player's job.

The Casanova simply makes the lady looking at him feel beautiful, attractive. Given that he takes no overt action, and assuming none of these women come up to him and purposefully tempts him, he should make a pretty loyal lover I suppose, at least on the outside.

But sometimes, a Casanova has to ask himself: How ethical is that? Is it evil to intentionally make a lady feel beautiful when you might not actually believe in it yourself? Hmmm... but, isn't the impression that she's beautiful something that she came up with herself, without you explicitly saying anything? Can I get away by assuming that she "misread" my signals? Then again, if it's not ethical, does it do any harm to make a woman feel beautiful when the whole world is telling women that they aren't, and that they have to reach for certain standards by buying certain products and acting in certain ways?

I don't have the answer to that question really. I just do what makes me happy, and that is to make people feel better about themselves, unless it requires me to tell a blatant lie.

What's stranger is that, given such an ability, a Casanova can still succumb to inner thoughts that he is not desirable to women.

Truth is always strange, stranger than fiction. -Lord Byron

We ought to see far enough into a hypocrite to see even his sincerity. -Gilbert K. Chesterton

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