I just finished my 3rd salsa class, and if there is something I have to agree with Professor Tong, it is that I learn more about men, women and gender differences from this dance than an entire module of gender studies. It's an amazing dance! It's also nice to see that I'm not as psycho-motor as I thought I was, haha! Although it's sad that most of the ladies in the class are either 30+ years old or undergraduates from overseas colleges in Singapore just back for the holidays, it has been pretty interesting to analyze each and every lady's personality simply by dancing alone.
Most of the 30+ year old ladies are single, and for good reason! They are always correcting me on my moves and taking the initiative to spin or cross without me giving any signal whatsoever. No wonder they are still single! Most men would like to have some control over the relationship, but when the woman usurps control when God ordained the male to be in-charge, things get messy. I might sound heavily patriarchal, and I thought so myself, until I went to Union Square for a peek at the pros shake their booty.
At Union Square, where some of the best dancers sway away almost nightly, I notice that the women who give themselves to the complete control of men looked the most beautiful. Salsa isn't a dance where the man controls the woman like a robot. On the contrary, if the man is a good lead, the woman has plenty of comfort and space to shine and shimmer! However, if she decides to take matters into her own hands, even if the guy was the best male lead in the world, he won't be able to help both of them to shine.
Interesting huh? It's the closest example that I have to a real male-female relationship so far, and it works almost perfectly. Chemistry, sizzling eye-contact, body contact and pressure, all mix into a concoction that can only be described as devastatingly shattering social boundaries, yet in complete unison and accordance to the ideal partnership.

Salsa. Beautiful.
Anyway, I just broke the 70kg barrier on Tuesday night, recording a 69.9kg after a night run. Enough is enough, I need to bulk up now. And that isn't much of a problem. In just two days, I've shifted my weight back to 72.4kg, which leaves me at the ideal BMI of 23. Now to get rid of the scrawny figure and muscle up while maintaining the current fat levels.
Tomorrow will be an exciting day. Sentosa with Nick to suntan, gym in the afternoon to work on the chest and shoulders, dinner with the Shalala people. Ice wine anyone? +)
It's the heart afraid of breaking that never learns to dance. -Bette Midler
Then maidens will dance and be glad, young men and old as well. I will turn their mourning into gladness; I will give them comfort and joy instead of sorrow. -God (Jer 31:13)
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